What are the office locations?

We have an office in North Austin, Lake Travis/Bee Cave area, and Georgetown.

The North Austin address is:

13785 Research Blvd.,
Suite 125
Austin, TX 78750

The address of the Lake Travis/Bee Caves is:

14425 Falcon Head Blvd., BUILDING E
FUSE Office, Suite 100
Austin, TX 78738

The address of the Georgetown is:

4853 Williams Dr.,
Suite 111H
Georgetown, TX 78633

What are your hours?
Mondays – Saturdays, and we offer after-school and weekend appointments! However, each of our therapists works a different schedule, so call us to check the availability of each therapist. 
How long are the sessions?
Typically, our sessions are 45-50 minutes. We do offer 90-minute sessions for some EMDR therapy or Exposure therapy sessions.
Do you take insurance?

No. However, we will provide you with a printout that you would need with all the codes that you could submit to your insurance to see if they will reimburse you.

Additionally, We have partnered with Mentaya to help clients use their out-of-network benefits to save money on therapy. Use this tool below to see if you qualify for reimbursement for my services.


How do I set up an initial appointment?
You can call us or schedule online. That way, you can see all our availability and which days and times work best for you.
What is your cancellation policy?
We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you fail to show or cancel within 24 hours, you will receive a cancellation fee ranging from $100-$75, depending on the therapist you see. 
Do the parents attend the session with the child during the initial session?
For younger children, we require parents to be present. For teens and young adults, we leave it up to the teens and parents if they would like their parents to attend part, all, or none of the session. 
With what age range do you work?
We work with all ages – ranging from very young kids to adults.
With what populations do you work?
We do individual therapy for children, teens, and adults with anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias/fears, panic disorder, OCD, Tourette’s, Trichotillomania, and PTSD. We also work with parents and offer SPACE training, which provides support training for parents of kids with anxiety or OCD. 
What can I expect for the first session?

Feeling a mix of curiosity, nervousness, and hope is normal during your first therapy session. These sessions generally allow you to build a relationship with your therapist.

You’ll discuss your reasons for seeking therapy, and your therapist will typically ask about your history, current situation and symptoms, and future goals. They’ll also explain what to expect in therapy, and together, you will develop treatment goals.

Remember, this first appointment is as much about seeing if your therapist is a good fit for you as they understand you – it’s essential to feel comfortable and secure in this therapeutic relationship.

What can I expect from a 15-minute phone consultation?

During the 15-minute phone consultation, someone from our treatment team will call you to discuss what is currently going on, discuss symptoms and reasons for seeking treatment, and answer any questions about specific therapists or therapy.

They can schedule an initial assessment with one of our therapists at the end of the call if you both feel it would be a good fit. (You do not need a 15-minute consultation to schedule a new client’s initial appointment.)

For therapy with children: What do you do in a session?

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is more skills-based than traditional talk or play therapy. In a typical CBT session with children, the therapist creates a warm and friendly environment to make the child comfortable. The session usually begins with the therapist and the child setting an agenda together, which includes a review of the previous session, a discussion of the child’s week, and agreeing on what to cover during the current session.

We often use games, drawings, role plays, or stories to engage the session and teach the child about CBT concepts. For instance, if the focus is on anxiety, the therapist might use a story about a character overcoming fears and then guide the child to link the story to their own experiences.

The aim is to help the child recognize and challenge their anxious thoughts, learn coping strategies, and build confidence in dealing with anxiety-inducing situations.

For therapy with Adults: What can I expect in a typical session?

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is more skills-based than traditional talk therapy. In a typical CBT session with adults experiencing anxiety, the therapist and client work collaboratively to identify and understand problems in terms of the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

The session typically starts with setting an agenda, followed by a review of the previous week’s practice. The heart of the session often involves learning and practicing new skills, including strategies like cognitive restructuring for managing problematic thoughts or exposure exercises to confront feared situations.

This skill-focused, practical approach aims to empower clients with tools they can utilize beyond the therapy room. The session ends with summarizing key points, setting practice tasks for the next week, and eliciting feedback.

Do clients receive any assignments or work outside of therapy sessions?

In Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), homework assignments are a key component of the therapeutic process. They allow the application of the strategies and techniques learned during therapy sessions to real-world scenarios. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety, as it allows them to practice coping mechanisms and challenge negative thought patterns in their everyday lives.

It’s important to remember that each person’s journey with CBT is unique, and the therapist will tailor homework assignments to individual needs and progress.

What treatment modalities do you use?
We use the most evidence-based treatment for anxiety disorders and OCD. We use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Rrevention (ERP) for OCD and phobias, Habits and Reversal training for skin picking and hair pulling, CBIT for Tourette’s, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for trauma and fears/phobias. 
What professional training do you have?
All our therapists have received specialized training in anxiety and OCD. We also have some therapists who have additional training for doing CBIT for Tourette’s, as well as a therapist trained in EMDR for trauma and fears/phobias. 
What else must a client know to make the most out of working with you?
CBT is a collaborative treatment, which means that the therapist and the client work together to assist the client in learning how to manage and treat their anxiety. Treatment works best when the client is motivated and ready for treatment. 
Will parents be involved in their child's therapy sessions?

In Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for children experiencing anxiety, active parental involvement is often highly beneficial. Parents are typically viewed as collaborators in the treatment process, supporting their children during therapy sessions and reinforcing learned coping strategies at home.

By participating in CBT, parents can gain a deeper understanding of anxiety and its triggers, empowering them to respond compassionately and effectively when their child is experiencing distress. This joint effort can strengthen the parent-child bond, encourage open communication, and foster a nurturing environment conducive to the child’s emotional health and well-being.

Do you have fun things and fidgets in your office?
YES! Our office has therapeutic games, plenty of fidgets, and stress balls for clients (even adults) to play with!
Cats or Dogs?
Will I get a shot in your office?
No! We are not medical doctors; you will NEVER get a shot during our sessions. 
Do you have prizes I'll get at the end of the session?
Yes! At the end of each session, we have prizes and some candy and mints for kids and adults.